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Our Most Popular Loan Options

Conventional Loans

Conventional loans follow Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac regulations and require good credit, low debt-to-income ratio, and 5% minimum down payment. Some programs allow just 3% down payments.

Second Homes

Buying a second home with a mortgage offers beautiful opportunities; a vacation spot, financial freedom, earning money, and tax deductions. Dream big and take action, a second home may be the key to the life you've always wanted.

Cash-Out Refinancing

Cash-out refinance offers extra cash for home improvements, debt consolidation, or emergencies. You might enjoy lower payments, and it could be a cheaper alternative to personal loans or credit cards.

FHA Loans

If you want to buy a home and don't have a lot of cash, an FHA mortgage might be good for you. You only need to put down 3.5% of the price and have a credit score of at least 580. It's a good choice if you don't qualify for a regular loan.

VA Home Loans

VA mortgage is a home loan for American military veterans and their families with benefits like lower interest rates, $0 down payment, and no mortgage insurance required, making it easier to qualify and save money.